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Daphne van der Veer

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"The playground is a 'consencrated spot': 'the arena, the card table, the magic circle, the temple, the stage, the screen, the tennis court, are all in form and function playgrounds, forbidden spots, isolated, hedged around, hallowed, within which special rules obtain. All are temporary worlds within the ordinary world, dedicated to the performance of an act apart. Inside the playgroundan absolute and peculiar order reigns. Into an imperfect world and into the confusion of life it brings a temporary, limited perfection. "

Johan Huizinga

Home: Citaat
Graduation project


Play landscape for adults

In my creation of a play landscape for adults, I analyzed what the spatial necessities are for adults to 'go and play'. 

As we grow up, we each develop our own play preferences. All of us, however, started similarly with non-directive exploratory play, experiencing an area or object through our senses. We can do this by manipulating movements such as positioning the body in relation to the area. 

To make my Ludic-Scape work for adults, exploratory play needs another level. Grown-ups need play to be both challenging and sheltered. To achieve this I introduced three elements: Elevation (for overview), Cover(to retreat), Body relational objects (as references). Referring to the context I also added a place for discussion, real adult play.

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"To our way of thinking, play is the direct opposite of seriousness. At first sight, this opposition seems as irreducible to other categories as the play-concept itself. Examined and more closely, however, te contrast between play and seriousness proves to be neither conclusive or fixed. We can say: play is non-seriousness. But apart from the fact that this proposition tells us nothing about the positive qualities of play, it is extraordinarily easy to refute. As soon as we proceed from 'play is non-seriousness' to 'play is not serious', the contrast leaves us in the lurch for some play can be very serious indeed. Moreover we can immediatly name several other fundamental categories that likewise come unde the heading 'non-seriousness' yet have no correspondence whatever with 'play'. Layghter, for instance, is in a sense the opposite of seriousness without being absolutely bound up with play. Children's games, football, and chess are played in profound seriousness; the players have not the slightest inclination to laugh."

Johan Huizinga

Home: Citaat

See Saw Sit

Interactive public furniture

Adults are constrained within their daily patterns, to Bring the back to a moment they need to be shaken up. 


Deriving from a see saw or skip, this bench looks sterdy and solid from the start. When you sit down, however, the bench tilts and makes you comunicate with other participants. 

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"It has not been difficult to show that a certain play-factor was extremely active all through the cultural process and that it produces many of the fundamental forms of social life. The spirit of the playful competiiton is a social impulse, older than culture itself and pervades all life like a vertible ferment. Ritual grew up in sacred play; poetry was born in play and nourished on play' music and dancing were pure play. Wisdom and philosophy found expression in the words and forms derived from a religious context. The rule of warfare, the conventions of noble living were built upon play-patterns. We have to conclude, therefore, that civilization is, in its earliest phases, played. It does not come from play like a babe detaching itself from the womb: it arises in and as play, and never leaves it."

Johan Huizinga

Home: Citaat

Playground museum

Museum of the KABK

Constant Nieuwenhuys visualized a world where playing would be a big part of the daily activities. After his idea, we took this as the take off on our museum design. Where museums are mostly white square rooms in this time we found that a way to experience art would be more intense if the museum challenged your senses. Sharpening these by creating parkour through the museum.

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